Monday, May 4, 2009


Well, the semester is almost over and today is the taping of our last show. It's exciting to know that I'm almost done, but sad as well.
This semester has had it's ups and definitely had it's downs, but I don't think I would change a thing.
I've been stressed, like, pull out your hair, scream into a pillow, punch a wall no, wait, punch several walls stressed, but with each road-block that headed my way, I learned something from it.
I've learned I that I need to organize my time better and deal with stress in a healthier way. When things go wrong, such as b roll not cooperating or interview subjects bailing or even when Avid decides it hates me and wants to delete my project...twice...I need to step away, take a breath and make due with the hand I was dealt.
I've also come to a realization that I most certainly chose the right major. Although this was the semester from hell, at the end of the day I know that I would not be happy if I was doing something else. Even when I'm stressed or things aren't running smoothly, I feel at home with a camera in my hand or slaving over a three minute package in the editing bay. And when I finish that three minute package, I get this incredible feeling of accomplishment and pride as soon as I export it to a Quicktime movie.
My time at Columbia has flown by, and I only have one semester left. Even though I probably have an ulcer because of the spring of '09, I can walk away with life lessons that will help me succeed in my career...that will start December 17, 2009.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Rain, rain go away...

It's official, I hate Chicago weather. It seems like winter will never go away. A Chicago winter is like a bee, as much as you try to ignore it and hope it goes away, it keeps coming back to annoy you, and in my case, stall my shoot days.
John and I were supposed to shoot b roll of Wrigley Field and a co-ed softball game, but the rain and cold prevented that from happening. It's so frustrating when a shoot is scheduled and the weather does not cooperate.
Actually, this entire week of work was a complete let down. It is incredibly discouraging when representatives from the school ignore their students. Two of my interviews with Columbia officials fell through this week. One never returned my calls and the other stood me up for an interview. I'll never understand why Columbia folks are so hard to get on camera. I mean, I thought we went to a school that wanted its students to succeed, but how can we succeed if the school won't help out?
Even with the set backs, we were able to get some needed footage shot, but we could not work our schedules out so we could both be at the new shoots. I feel that the footage we shot could have been stronger if our schedules matched up. When John and I are together on shoots, our creativity flows and we come up with some great stuff, but I could definitely feel a difference without him at the shoot days. I'm not saying that the b roll is bad, but I know that if we were there as a team, it would have been fantastic.
Although we had a frustrating work week, I am pleased with what we have put together with the project, so far. The interviews we have are great and the video we shot is creative and eye catching. When this package is complete, I'm sure it will be a good one.

Monday, April 20, 2009

We go lama lama lama...

Teamwork is essential for any project to run smoothly. This week, work on the project was smooth sailing. Interviewees made scheduled times, John and I both attended the shoot days and our reporting styles completely clicked.
I was a bit apprehensive at first, being a person who often gets screwed over during group projects, but my fears and anticipation for disaster faded away this week. John has been absolutely, 100 percent dedicated to the project. Although the two of us both have crazy schedules, jammed packed with upper level journalism classes, jobs and internships, we have been able to swing it so we can both be at shoot days.
Having an active partnership while working on this final package has definitely been beneficial. John and I both are creative people and we feed off of each other. For example, we were conducting an interview with Danielle Garcia, one of the co-captains of the Columbia softball club and I truly believe that having the both of us there made the interview ten times better. As soon as I finished my round of questions, John jumped in and asked fantastic follow-up questions that have tremendously added to our piece.
We both have visions for b-roll, but we are compromising, combining our ideas and have shot some fantastic stuff, because of it. I am beyond excited about our package and I cannot wait to see our visions come to life on the small screen.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

And the saga continues...

Oh how it continues. As the second half of the semester keeps rollin', the work load doesn't stop. I can confidently say that this is the toughest/ most hectic and stressful semester of my Columbia career.

This semester has taught me one important lesson: I need to learn time management oh and one more equally as important thing: sleep is a necessity for effective daily function.

I'm learning a great deal about myself though my classes this spring, such as, I tend to bite off more than I can chew. As a high schooler and even a freshman and sophomore in college, I was able to handle a heavy load. But now, as a college senior, I realize that taking on a leadership role in everything that I am involved in, leaves me exhausted, frustrated and far more stressed than I should be.

I've also learned that I need to manage my schedule better when working with a partner with an equally as hectic work and class schedule as myself. Partner projects teach you to give and take, to compromise with the other, in order to complete the task at hand. Partner projects also teach communication and I have to say that on this project, my partner and I do keep in touch.

I have been working tirelessly to complete my assignments and I only hope that the payoff is worth it in the end.

Monday, April 6, 2009

New Partner, New Beginnings

It has been only one week since Spring Break and I already am feeling the pressures of the semester's end. Last week we discussed topics for our final package for the last show and I am quite excited to be the reporter on this project.
My new partner John and I pitched a story about Columbia woman's softball and after speaking to the captain, I learned about another Columbia athlete in a school that is most known for its students' artistic talents and not athletics.
Sarah Myzska is not only an interesting subject to write a profile piece about, but she is also a fantastic person with a great personality. I always get giddy when I meet incredible people while working on a story.
Throughout my career as a Columbia College student, I have come across amazing people with amazing talents and I have learned much about myself, as a person, from experiences with my interviewees.
I am also excited to tell Sara's story because it is a topic that is near to my heart because 18 of my 21 years of life have been spent playing softball. I played on numerous traveling teams as well as high school teams and I can definitely relate to Sara's story.
I believe my experience as a softball player will allow me to tell her story to the fullest and will offer insight into the sport that a non-athlete could not bring to the table.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


School and an internship are never easy to balance. Factor in a roommate getting evicted and you have my life right now.
At this point in the game, I feel completely overwhelmed. I have deadlines that overlap and responsibilities at the radio station that I have to keep up with. I need a break!
Thank God spring break is almost here. I can't even begin to say how glad I am that it starts next week. I feel that with my packed schedule, my quality of work is slipping big time. I'm usually so on top of things and I have time to check and double check anything I write or edit to make it near perfection, but with the amount of things I have going on, I can say I am disappointed in everything I've done.
I need to re-charge my batteries. I need to sleep and when my week of relaxation (well just no school still have the internship) I can bet that my quality of work will be right back to where I want it.
I've always been a leader and I take to much on, so I know that my time constraints are my own fault, but I can't help but think that maybe this is all a blessing in disguise.
I'm a firm believer that everything happens for a reason. Whether it is a D on a test or an interview falling through, I think that you can learn from those setbacks.
My project in Beyond the Game has been nothing but one giant setback. I've discussed the issues I've had and I've vented to friends, family and even teachers. But the general concensus of those little chats I've had is that if this project doesn't kill you, it will prepare you for the real world.
The real world stops for no one. I think after this semester is complete I will be able to handle anything. Real world, listen up! I'm ready. Hit me with your best shot.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Midterms, Midterms, Midterms

This week was especially stressful. Not only do I have tons of work to complete for Beyond the Game, I also am lucky enough to have teachers who, I swear, have plotted against me and scheduled every midterm project's due date, on the same day.
Ah the joys of being a college student. One obligation is pulling you here while another one is yanking you in a completely different direction. I guess I should really put the blame on myself.
Just a bit of background info on myself: You could call me the Jessie Spano of Griffith High School. Jessie ruled the halls of Bayside High as the student council president, class president, captain of the volleyball, softball and swim teams and everything under the sun. I followed the same hectic lifestyle as Jessie. In high school I was able to balance my 50 different extracurricular activities, but this past week I've learned that it is a far harder task to balance in your senior year of college.
Basically, with the mounds of homework, video editing, interviews and papers that are due this week, and my 35 hour a week internship, I have come to the conclusion that I should think about slowing down at some point in my life, or I may just let my twenties fade away.
I just hope my hard work pays off. Someone should reassure me that I will be okay. Thank you.